Starting Out With WebExpress

To keep this tutorial as simple as possible, we'll describe the simplest WebExpress functions first, using step-by-step procedures to create a sample Web page. We'll provide links to advanced functions within these simple instructions. If you're ready to know more than the basics, you can follow these advanced links.

WebExpress takes the mystery out of HTML, the 'language' that's normally used for building Web sites. The friendly WebExpress 'interface' resembles a word processor. For the most part you'll create Web pages as easily as you would create printed documents in the Windows word processor you may already use.

Creating A New Web Page

If it isn't running already, start up your WebExpress program.

There are two ways to begin your Web editing session: Simply create a new Web Page, or, if you're ready to do so, create a new Web Site using the WebExpress Site Manager. Here we'll show you how to create a new Web Page:.

Step 1: If at all possible, plan your Web page before beginning. Decide what colors you want to use for your page Background, Text, and hyperlinks (highlighted text that is 'linked' to another Web page). If you sit down with a paper and pencil you can also plan the design of the page itself. More on that later.

Step 2: As shown at left, select 'File' from the WebExpress Menu, then click on 'New Web Page'...




Step 3: The Use Template dialog appears.  Since you haven't created any templates yet, you only have one choice.  Hit OK, and press F4

The Web Page Properties window (shown at right) will appear in the center of your screen.

Here you'll enter your Web Page Title and select the colors for your page.

Other advanced features, like selecting a Background Image, adding Sounds or Music, or entering special Header Commands, are also available in this window.

Step 4: Enter the Title for your page in the text box marked 'Title'. This Title will not show up on the page itself, but will end up as part of the HTML 'Header' that WebExpress will create for you. For the sample page we're creating, just enter "My Sample Web Page" in the text box.

  • Note: Titles within HTML Headers can be important to you. The Web Search Engines that people use to locate Web sites treat Web Page Titles as part of the description of what your page contains. Keep this in mind when you enter page Titles for your site. For example, if your page is for your business and it's about the spark plugs you sell, try to include the words "Spark Plugs" within your page Title.

Step 5: Still within the Web Page Properties window, select the colors you want to use for the different parts (or elements) of your Web page. You can select colors for the following elements of your page:

  • Background - The color of the page that your text will be displayed on.

  • Text Color - The color of the normal text that will appear on your page.
  • Link Color - The color that text links to other pages will appear in.
  • Visited Link Color - After a visitor has seen a page linked to by your page, the text link they used to get there will turn this color.
  • Active Link Color - Many browsers momentarily change the color of text links when the mouse is clicked on them. Setting the Active Link Color lets you choose what color is displayed when a user clicks on a text link.

To select a color just click on the 'down-arrow' below the name of the element whose color you wish to change. A color menu will drop down:

You can scroll the menu to the color of your choice, then click the color when you see it.

For our sample page select the following colors:

  • Background - White

  • Text Color - Black [Default]
  • Link Color - Red
  • Visited Link Color - Dark Red
  • Active Link Color - Blue

We'll be a little wild just to get you used to changing colors!

  • Note: Remember that the colors you choose should contrast well with one another, to make your page easy to read. If you don't see the color you want in the menu, scroll all the way to the bottom of it to where it says 'Define Colors'. Clicking this option will let you define special colors that aren't included in the menu.

Step 6: With your Web Page Title entered and the colors you want to use selected, click the 'OK' button at the bottom of the Web Page Properties window. That's it! Your WebExpress window should now be displaying a blank page the color of the Background you selected. If you followed the instructions it should appear nearly identical to the window reproduced below:

Now be sure to Save the progress you've made thus far. Click 'File' on the WebExpress Menu, then click on 'Save As'. Choose a name for your new Web page (try 'wsample.htm') in the file window that appears and click 'OK'.

You are now ready for the next section of the tutorial, 'Entering Text And Hyperlinks'. See you there!


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